Translations, companies in Centrs

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Baltic Media Ltd., LTD, Translation office

Dzirnavu 57A, Rīga, LV-1010
The translation services we offer:: ✓ Translation of media and marketing, advertising texts ✓ Subtitling, dubbing and speaking ✓ Website and online store SEO translation ✓ Notarized translations and sworn translators' certificates ✓ Document translation ✓ Text localization ✓ Translation of technical texts ✓ Translation of medical texts ✓ Information technology( IT) translation ✓ Terminology translation ✓ Automatic machine translation with editing ✓ Interpreting ✓ Language courses

Skrivanek Baltic, LTD, Translation bureau

Lāčplēša 87C, Rīga LV-1011
Translation services:: ✓ general and specialized translations ✓ notarised translations ✓ grammatical and stylistic improvement of texts( proofreading) ✓ editorial office ✓ adaptation of texts and preparation of creative texts( copywriting) ✓ website translation and localization ✓ software localization ✓ audio and video file localization ✓ GoogleAds and SEO translations ✓ localization of digital marketing content ✓ localization of e-learning content and solutions ✓ machine translation of neurons ✓ word processing - DTP ✓ subtitling ✓ video content dubbing ✓ technical translation ✓ online store translation

Inlex Agency, Sworn translator bureau

Krišjāņa Barona 25 - 3, Rīga, LV-1011
Services: ✓ Interpreting ✓ Translation ✓ Translation field ✓ Dictionaries ✓ Simultaneous translation ✓ Sequential translation Welcome!: We hope that it will help you get to know the translation industry better and make the right choice when it comes to choosing a translation company that will remain your future cooperation partner. LTD Inlex Agency has been successfully operating in Latvia for more than 20 years. The main field of activity of the company is the translation of legal, financial, accounting and technical documentation. The company's translators also participate in the provision of interpretation for various seminars, conferences and discussions. From 2004. specialists of the company in cooperation with ETC - Brussels NV( from 2007. gada ETC Europe scrl.) actively participates in the translation of various regulatory acts for the needs of EU institutions from all languages of the EU member states into Latvian. More than 55,000 pages were translated in this short period.
ZL.LV iesaka

Nikas nami pluss, LTD

Skolas 4 - 31, Rīga, LV-1010
Translations from / to, english, german, french, italian, russian, lithuanian, estonian, ukrainian,, Apostille, Notarized translations .

„VALODU KOKS”, translation bureau in Riga's center

Lāčplēša 14-303, Rīga LV-1011
Translation services:: ✓ Translation ✓ Notarial translations ✓ Office affirmation ✓ Home page translation ✓ Legal translations ✓ Medical translations ✓ Interpreting ✓ Apostille and legalization ✓ Editing ✓ Computer typesetting

Baltic Media Ltd., LTD, Language training center

Dzirnavu 57A, Rīga, LV-1010
Language courses, language courses in Riga, foreign language courses, language centre, language training, a Russian language courses, latvian language courses, english language courses, language courses online, language courses for children, intensive language courses, online courses, courses. Online language courses. English language

Jurveda, LTD

Blaumaņa 6 - 12,, Rīga, LV-1011
Jurveda offers: ✓ Legal services ✓ Accountancy services ✓ Translation ✓ Building management

Legal, accounting and translation services in one place! Special customer service!

Skrivanek Baltic, LTD, Language school

Lāčplēša 87C, Rīga LV-1011
Language training for individuals, children and young people:: ✓ language courses in a group ✓ language courses in a group online ✓ individual foreign language courses ✓ individual foreign language courses online ✓ intensive language courses in summer ✓ specialized courses and seminars ✓ english language courses for children ✓ english language courses for teenagers ✓ individual preparation courses for the English language exam ✓ speech school with a speech therapist for children aged 4 to 6 ✓ day camps for children and young people with foreign language lessons ✓ language workshop events
ZL.LV iesaka

Baltikons-Centrs, LTD

Lāčplēša 75 - 4, Rīga, LV-1011
We provide services in:

Ainaži, Aizkraukle, Aizpute, Aknīste, Aloja, Auce, Baldone, Baloži, Balvi, Bauska, Brocēni, Cesvaine, Cēsis, Dagda, Daugavpils, Dobele, Durbe, Grobiņa, Gulbene, Ikšķile, Ilūkste, Jaunjelgava, Jelgava, Jēkabpils Kandava, Kraslava, Kuldiga, Karsava, Lielvārde, Liepaja, Limbazi, Lubana, Ludza, Ligatne, Livani, Madona, Mazsalaca, Ogre, Olaine, Piltene, Preili, Priekule, Pavilosta, Plavinas, Rezekne, Riga, Rujiena, Sabile, Salacgriva, Salaspils, Saldus, Saulkrasti, Seda, Sigulda, Skrunda, Smiltene, Staicele, Stende, Strenči, Subate, Talsi, Tukums, Valdemārpils, Valka, Valmiera, Vangaži, Varakļāni, Ventspils, Viesīte, Vilaka, Vilani, Zilupe, Ķegums, + more 490 parishes

Amnis, LTD, shop Kristīgā literatūra un dāvanas

Lāčplēša 37, Rīga LV-1011
Goods:: ✓ Bibles ✓ Audio bible ✓ Books ✓ Bookmarks and cards ✓ Gifts ✓ Candles and candlesticks ✓ Music, movies and calls ✓ Calendars The company's main activities:: The main emphasis in the company's activities is on promoting a creative approach to Christian values, as well as the sale of Christian literature, accessories and sacred objects in retail and wholesale. It is also important to establish contacts with existing and potential suppliers and sellers of goods in Europe and America. As far as possible, we support and ensure the successful development of church branches.

A & A Translations, LTD

Arhitektu 1-100, Rīga, LV-1050
Written translations , oral translations , english, german, french, japanese languages, translation with, translations , annotation translations , services, professionalism, operativeness, safety, translation

OTPE, LTD, Translation office

Skolas 21-506, Rīga LV-1010
Urgent translations , Translations in the center of Riga, Translations in Riga, Fast translations , Translation, Technical text translations . Pharmaceutical text translations . Medical text translations .

Tehniskie tulkojumi, LTD

Raiņa bulvāris 17-3, Rīga, LV-1050
Translation, translations , technical translations , technical translation, translation office, translation, , manual translations , manual translations .

PFAT Tulkojumi, LTD

Baznīcas 39, Rīga, LV-1010
written translations , translation, translations , document translation, document translations , document, translation, document translations , urgent translations , urgent translation, fast translations , quick

Polyglot, translation bureau

Blaumaņa 5A -, Rīga, LV-1011
Translation and interpreting services

Jurlingva, Individual merchant, Language centre

Pērses 16-303, Rīga LV-1011
Translations , translations Riga, Rīga centrs, Pērses street, Barona street, Čaka street, Marijas street, Annotation translations .

Baltic Media Language Services, LTD

Elizabetes 2, Rīga LV-1010
Urgent translations . Qualitative translations . Fast translations . Urgent translation., Translations in all languages ​​of the world.